Test-Chan (ARKit + ViveLipTracker + OVRLipsync + CamMatic Study Model)
- ダウンロード商品Test-Chan v1.3¥ 0
- ダウンロード商品Test-Chan Vroid Template (NO ARKIT)¥ 0
***BLEND FILE ONLY WORKS ON BLENDER 4.0!!! USE FBX/VRM FILE FOR OLDER BLENDER VERSIONS!!!*** ***YOU CAN'T USE NEB TOOLS, HANA TOOL, OR ANY COPY BLENDSHAPE SCRIPT TO AUTOMATICALLY COPY THE BLENDSHAPES DUE TO THE SCRIPTS RESULTING IN FAILURE, YOU NEED TO HEAD SWAP OR MANUALLY RIG ARKIT BLENDSHAPES!!!*** (The only way to automatically copy the blendshapes is with a custom script which I don't have coding knowledge for.) Test-Chan is a Vroid Stable model created with Vroid's presets and has expressive blend shapes. This model has ARKit, Vive Lip Tracker, OVRLipSync, and CamMatic blend shapes for you to study to your heart's content or to use the model for your VTubing purposes (With bonus highlight+pupil wiggle blend shapes for VNyan and Warudo). The model is under the Public Domain meaning you don't have to credit, you can heavily edit the model, use the face model as your own, or whatever you want, and there are no rules on the model. Test-Chan es un modelo de Vroid Stable creado con los preajustes de Vroid y tiene formas de mezcla expresivas. Este modelo tiene ARKit, Vive Lip Tracker, OVRLipSync, y formas de mezcla CamMatic para que usted pueda estudiar al contenido de su corazón o para utilizar el modelo para sus propósitos VTubing (Con formas de mezcla de resaltado + pupila ondulación de bonificación para VNyan y Warudo). El modelo está bajo el dominio público, lo que significa que no tiene que acreditar, puede editar en gran medida el modelo, utilizar el modelo de la cara como propia, o lo que quieras, y no hay reglas en el modelo. Test-ChanはVroidのプリセットで作成されたVroid Stableモデルで、表情豊かなブレンドシェイプを持っています。このモデルには、ARKit、Vive Lip Tracker、OVRLipSync、CamMaticのブレンドシェイプがあり、心ゆくまで研究したり、VTubingの目的に使用することができます(VNyanとWarudoのためのボーナスハイライト+瞳孔くねくねブレンドシェイプ付き)。このモデルはパブリックドメインなので、クレジットを入れる必要はなく、モデルを大幅に編集したり、自分の顔モデルとして使ったり、好きなようにできます。 V1.0 -Model Release V1.1 -Adjusted chest bone for improved chest physics -Removed unnecessary sleeve bones -Updated OVRLipSync to add chin movement -Updated texture naming for easier navigation for all formats -Updated Vowel blendshapes to add chin movement -Added eye emission for a glow effect V1.2 -Fixed eye socket normal issue -Added missing TongueRoll blendshape for ViveLipTracker V1.3 -Fixed ViveEyePro blendshapes where EyeSqueeze was accidentally merged with blink blendshapes